Boosting Your Mental Wealth in 2024

Boosting Your Mental Wealth in 2024

Introducing Mental Wealth with Ally: a series dedicated to exploring the strategies behind an empowered mind. Join us as we invite leading scientists, doctors, fitness experts, and health professionals to share their keys to optimal mental health and wellbeing.


By Nadine Tregoiing


My actions are my only true belongings: I cannot escape the consequences of my actions. My actions are the ground on which I stand”.

- Thich Nhat Hanh 


I am often pulled back to this quote and love how it can be applied to many aspects and situations that may arise in life. It allows you to pause, to face yourself head on and to be inquisitive and become aware of the changes that could make a difference in all that we say and do.


We often start to think about ‘Intention setting’ or ‘New Years Resolutions’ around this time of year – with 2024 well and truly here, this quote is perfect to sit with and ask ourselves how we can boost our mental wealth in the year ahead.


To me, the term “Mental wealth” means to focus on positive tactics and the things that we can learn about ourselves to help us maintain our mental wellbeing. Mental health is a state of mental wellbeing and includes our emotional health, psychological and social wellbeing. It affects our feelings, thoughts, decisions, actions and behaviours, how we build relationships and shape the way in which we see, feel and receive the world we live in. Genetics, life experiences and family history play a part in mental health and cannot be controlled – however we can build the ability to influence our mental wealth.


A few of my tips and approaches to improving my mental wealth as we step into 2024;



This is a big one for me. I am not the best sleeper and often find my mind running away with me when it’s time to settle down and get that precious sleep in. Having a night time routine is helpful and I do things such as cut out caffeine after 3pm, take warm aromatic bubble baths before bed, turn off social media and slowly wind down. I pay attention to my ‘sleep hygiene’ by trying to get to bed and wake up at similar times each day and to create a calm and zen space to rest in each night.



2024 is the year to make more connections with loved ones, friends and family. Our mental wealth can be so enriched by connection, it gives us a sense of worth, purpose and belonging and it’s where we can feel supported. Setting some time aside for a walk or a catch up over lunch or even chatting over a cup of tea are my favourite ways to connect.



Track gratitude and achievements. This is a quick and simple way to focus on the good in life! Taking just 5 minutes each day to practice gratitude allows us to boost positivity, reduce anxiety and improve wellbeing. It can be the ‘small things’ that you focus on, the tiny moments that you usually wouldn’t acknowledge but actually make such a difference to the bigger picture.



Movement is so important in maintaining my mental wealth – I really do believe we store all of our experiences within and movement is the medicine for me in which I can release. Being a yoga teacher, yoga is my ‘go to‘ movement practice. I love SlowFlow classes, they’re a beautiful way to wind down, listen and reconnect to the breath and sensations within the physical body. This practice really allows me to check in with myself in the purest and most honest way. I am also a big fan of walking. Instead of getting in the car or riding the bus I prefer to walk if it’s within close range. Winter walks in the park are also a favourite of mine and observing the seasonal changes and nature in my favourite park is also a really nice way to add in some mindfulness when out and about.

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